Last night around midnight, my buddy and I were on campus almost ready to wrap up for the day. We were reflecting back on a case study exercise that we'd done earlier. (As a group, you and your peers are given info about a patient and must interview the patient for relevant info to complete a history, determine what lab values and physical exam findings are pertinent, identify areas for further assessment or diagnostic exams, and formulate a plan of action. Then, you have between 60 and 120 seconds to provide an oral presentation of this information to the attending physician.) Essentially, these studies are an integration of academic material, clinical scenarios, and the skills of speaking aloud to your peers aka preparation for 3rd year rotations.So, last night we start talking the day's case. A while later, we realized that, without any provocation, we'd been thinking and speaking like practicing physicians. It was pretty cool; a step along the path to reforming my self-image into that of a doctor.
Go Suck It, Digoxin-Induced Hypokalemia.
Two interactive sessions today, both on Heart Failure. This afternoon, I seemed to do much better on the questions: my rationale seemed to be based on some sort of reality and grasp of key concepts instead of how a third-grader might approach pharmacology. When I was called on, I stood and correctly answered a question regarding hypokalemia as induced by a drug-regimen. I went with my gut, stuck to my guns, and didn't look like as much of a clueless dick in front of my peers.The Scholar: 1, Pharmacology: 248K.
I'm hoping this was my Dave Roberts moment. The crowd goes wild. (By "crowd," I mean me.)
dave roberts moment for sure.... ride that wave of momentum to a championship dude!
Wow...Dave Roberts, not Francisco Cabrera??? For shame.
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