Thursday, December 23, 2010

Winning Run's Fist vs. the Mouth of a Teenager with Braces*

*The following story has been invented to add intrigue to the details surrounding Winning Run's accident.  It is not true.  For the true story, you'll need to hear it from Winning Run herself.

The other night on the bus back from the Picasso exhibit, some rough looking teenager on the bus kept mouthing of at us.  Really harassing us.  We moved seats a few times to get away but the kid just kept it up.  After an eternity, we reached our stop.  As we were exiting the bus, the punk reached at Winning Run's bag.  Naturally, she jerked away and the punk started swinging at her.  She clocked the idiot in the mouth but the punk's braces cut her hand.

We made a quick to the ER and got her stitched up.  Meeting with a hand specialist later today to ensure that no tendon damage occurred.  Personally, I don't think it did.

And now, some action shots from the hospital...


 Irrigating the wound.
Post-stitches. Yum.

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