Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Immediate Aftermath

I finished my finals. Honestly, the Organic Chem final was something from hell. Our prof give a standardized exam from the American Chemical Society so that she may gauge her students' performance against a national standard. When I opened the exam, I wondered what stinking language I was reading. Really, it looked SO different from anything I'd studied previously. I absolutely love feeling that way on a test, you know. You know, the old "What the hell is this? I've never seen any of this before!" feeling.

Anywho, I needed to make at least a 30 on the exam to keep a "C" in the class. I figured that I needed at least a 70 to earn a "B." This morning, I found my grade was in the high 70's about 5 points above the class average. Perfect! It looks like our prof is also working with the grades to move everyone up a few point. Right now, my cumulative grade shows up as a 79.52 excluding the stuff that she's adding in. Keep your fingers crossed that I'll get a "B." Hopefully, everything will work out for the best.

Final grades are officially posted tomorrow. I'll update then. Right now, however, I'm feeling more that a little relieved that I made higher than a 30 on the final. For a while there, I truly thought I'd be scraping out a 30.

Meanwhile, I've been taking a few days off to recover before I dive back into studying/applications. I'll begin with application work today before diving headlong into MCAT prep.

More later.

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